Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Women who made me the woman I am today

The Fruits of the Spirit are the true things we should be striving for, to grow in and pray through. Praying that we would grow in this is not an easy prayer because to become more patient we must stretch our levels of patience, to become more kind, we have to see how far our kindness will go, but with prayer for help from God, we can do it!


"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control." 
Galatians ch 5v22-23

There have been many Christian women who have influence many aspects of my personal growth in my faith and my approach to the bible and prayer life and showed me how to live out the fruits of the spirit. God has truly provided for me with all these wonderful women who have spent time with me teaching me, showing me and serving God wholeheartedly and I am incredibly thankful to them all.
I can't list everyone and I know that I have much more growing to do because really, I'm only just at the very beginning of my spiritual journey and I'm sure many many more people who will shape me and grow me to serve God and his Kingdom!

My Mother: She probably has the biggest influence. She has taught me everything from the day I was born, she has always encouraged me to challenge myself and always be kind. Even if being kind it's the hardest thing you ever have to do, try to make it top priority. When I was struggling with being bullied at school, she taught me to pray because my Heavenly Father is bigger than all of that and will give me the strength to carry on. When I feel lost she points me to my bible and shows me look to God for guidance. But most of all, she has shown me how to love, when I am cross with her, she still loves me, when I do things wrong, she still loves me. Even when things are totally imperfect, love conquers all. It is a God given thing, it has to!

Tinkerbell: This lovely curates wife spent a lot of time in my earliest years as a Christian discipling me and showing me how to be strong in my faith when it wasn't cool to be a Christian at school. Tink still to this day is only ever a phone-call away and has shown me ways of being a good Christian mum, friend and encourage me in single service of the Lord.

Climber girl: This lovely lady regularly trusts me with her children and has been a mentor to me throughout my apprenticeship! Her biggest influence has been showing me how to be Gracious and loving when having difficult conversations and teaching me to keep a clear focus in the growth of the Church in what I do.

Belle: When struggling with my body image, the lovely B took me straight to Psalm 139 and showed me God's grace and true love in creating me exactly how He intended me to be! She showed me that my heavenly Father truly cares for me and would never let one of His children go.

C'Cee: She has shown me how your what work God has for you to do is so much more important than your own preferences and being where you're comfortable. In one of my lowest moments at university she stood by me and showed me that God can give you the strength and courage to stand firm in your faith. She has always stood firm in every situation and gets straight back up when things knock her back, C'Cee has always shown me that Go will always hold your hand and pull you up if you ask him.

Mrs B: When I got to my uni church it was Mrs B who took the students under her wing like a wonderful mother hen. That was the first time at uni I felt safe and protected, as if she was my own mother! This lovely lady is married to a lovely man who (as far as I know) is not a Christian but supports her faith wonderfully, and I was really show by this lady to make sure that God was always top priority, He always took priority if it was home group, church, students coming over, prayer time, quiet time, anything! And rightly so, Mrs B showed me a true discipline of faith and a real hunger to serve God in everything she does.

Auntie J: Auntie, Grandmother to all, totally loving and a homemaker. If you were to pop round to auntie J's she'd truly make you feel like you belong, her home is like a safe space, a place to laugh, cry, be honest, be silly and talk about penguins with no knees! Auntie J has truly shown me that loving everyone with your whole self is so important, and that a Godly love can be to rebuke as well! But if you live by God's love, you're onto a good start!

Snow White: Snow is one of the most wonderful women I've met, she is kind, gentle, loving, patient and has a real heart to disciple women carefully studying the Word of God. She has truly shown me that challenging yourself with God'sword is so important, and whenever you're questioning what to do, pray. If you're doing well, pray. If you're struggling, pray. Snow has really shown me that a dependence on God, through prayer and disciplined study of His word is the way to get to know God and to grown in his knowledge. And that friends, couples, churches, families that pray together, stay together.

Ultimately though, I have been taught all these wonderful things by the grace of my Heavenly Father and without Him not only would I have none of this, but I wouldn't be here! So my aim is each morning to wake up thankful that He has given me another day to serve Him and to continue to study His word and grow in all these things.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

Shaking up my Faith

Myself and a friend have just begun reading through Jen Wilkin's new book together None Like Him which is an exciting and challenging read so far.
I'd not heard of the wonderful Jen Wilkin until my friend showed me her blog, so I started to read through some of the posts. I have never felt more challenged and inspired to get stuck into being more proactive with my faith! Jen has a wonderful practical way of challenging your thinking and your faith.

Now I wouldn't say I was passive with my faith, but I had realised quite much how I'd got into a monotonous routine and that I'd forgotten to be joyful in my quiet times and prayer life and serving for the LORD.
Because honestly, God is AWESOME and He deserves to have 100% of everything! My joy, my love, my time, my energy, my all. The hymn that says Demands my soul, my life, my all. Has never been more true and such a kick up the backside! I would urge you to spend 10 minutes of your day to go over to Jen's blog http://jenwilkin.blogspot.co.uk/ and read through some of her posts. I would think she would graciously challenge you too!

If you have more time, invest in her book, |None Like Him or Women of the Word. Both of which I am greatly enjoying and are so well written for refreshing your quiet times and approach to God!

So I urge you to read to read one of the above, or even just have a think and pray into what you can do to spice up your quiet time or prayer time, because we must rejoice! Rejoice the LORD has come!

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Nativity Study Book

My mum used to have a business making crafts and little gifts and last year she was commissioned to make a Nativity for a neighbour as a wall hanging for her classroom. As mum was making it I wrote down a bible thought for each day as they added each character and assembled it as an accompanying booklet. 
This year a lovely lady in my congregation has suggested that I do a bit more work on it and send it off to a publisher as something they could work into an Advent family bible study!
So hears hoping that next year I could be handing out a family gospel study book, 
Keep watch!

Friday, 11 November 2016

Fearing the created or the Creator

This week I've been doing some work on the story in Luke's gospel where Jesus calms the storm and I've found some interesting things that I have never noticed before.

This storm terrified the disciples and they thought they were going to die, it was the most powerful thing in that situation. Until Jesus stood up and said Be Still.
Now what's intimidating is not really the storm, but Jesus, the one with power over the storm.

So now, would they trust the one who is in control of creation, the creator as opposed to fearing the created.

We need to do the same, we need to remember that we are children of the creator.
We need to fear nothing, because our heavenly Father will protect us.

We should pray that we would trust everything to God no matter what and that we would hand control over to Him.

Monday, 24 October 2016

Reflections of Proverbs 31

This week I’ve been looking at Proverbs 31 the Epilogue bit, and really trying to pray into it and reflect on it. So here are a few of my thoughts.

To begin with I had to take away my selfish attitude and realise this isn’t about me or what I can be as a noble wife in the future, but the example Jesus sets here to the church. Remember ALL of the Old Testament points to Jesus and tells us about His character and His mission, so this must also have the focus on Jesus.

Secondly the bible talks about the church being married to God so this could also be a reflection on the behaviour of the church as a whole in it’s service to the Lord. It’s strange picture language for the church as a whole but as you begin to break it down it has similarities to preparations and harvest which is the work Jesus sends us out to do really in the Great Commission.

Finally of course it applies when thinking personally about growth in my own personal character with the help of the Holy Spirit. If I’m striving to be Christ-like and this is pointing to Christ’s character then surely this is something that, with the Grace of God, I should be striving for also. Even in my role in church service and discipleship this is something also I should reflect on.

Now when I read Proverbs 31 I can say:
  • Wow, Jesus is amazing 
  • Oh man, I’m rubbish!
  • Thankfully God is gracious and I can ask Him to help me to grow in this!

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

25 Things to be thankful for

I've decided to take note of all the great things God provided over summer this year by making a list, I love lists so that's my first thing to be thankful for!

  1. My job
  2. Keswick Convention
  3. New Friends
  4. Old Friends
  5. Waterfalls
  6. Coffee
  7. God's Wisdom
  8. Laughter
  9. Answered Prayer
  10. Snap-backs
  11. Bullet Journalling
  12. Psalm 107
  13. Prosecco
  14. Lake District
  15. Martinis
  16. More Coffee
  17. New car!
  18. Reunions
  19. Camp
  20. Crutches and Cocodomol
  21. Family
  22. Photographs
  23. Sunshine
  24. Washout
  25. Talkin Tarn
So many great things happened and on reflection I am able to praise God for His continuous blessings and trust that He knows the plans set before me!

Wednesday, 29 June 2016

My Journey of Humility

Today whilst travelling on the train, I had to learn to be incredibly humble and ask for help.
Anyone who knows me would tell you that I like to be very independent and do it by myself and I allow my pride to get the better of me because I don’t want to appear “stupid”, I believe this is also a very British thing that we don’t speak to anyone but just get on with things.
Now the thing is, there was nothing stupid in what happened, I was waiting for a train at Appleby and wasn’t certain if the one that pulled in was the right one. After almost everyone else had got on I was still sat on the platform thinking this train was way too early.
A guy ,also going to Leeds, came over to me and asked where I was going and if he could wait with me. Great, my independence has someone other than me relying on it, time to learn to humility and take responsibility for the situation. Five minutes later the train is still at the station and I’m no longer sure if I should stay off this train.
So I stepped onto the train and prayed to the LORD asking that he would provide someone I could ask, and of course, he did and it was the train I needed to be on. The guy who was on the platform with me also got on the train in a slight panic but now, en route to Leeds station my journey continues but with much more humility.

On the way back from Nottingham I was reminded how God never leaves us alone and we are always surrounded by other Christians. I boarded the train at Preston which was fairly empty, but my reserved seat was on a table with two guys probably about 19, and one had their bible on the table and must have been reading a particular passage. As I sat down next to the I felt a huge sense of relief, comfort and of being with family. We didn’t speak but just silently enjoyed Christian company. I thank the LORD for his lessons he has taught me on my travels that no matter how far away you may feel God is always bringing you back to His love.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

What is the ideal Woman?

What do we think about when we think of image? 
What we should look like?

We’re comparing ourselves to this illusion of the ideal woman aren’t we. 
Well the average woman is 5’4” and weighs 10 stone. The average model is 5’11” and weighs 8 stone. 
That is a truly scary and unhealthy statistic. Only 2% of women are models. And we’re expected to aspire to that?! That’s ridiculous. It's a false standard. 

So here's what I think:
I think we need to forget what the media says to us and focus on the real women around us for a start! That is the reality, not some magazine. We can’t aspire to be like 2% of the population when we have been made to all be beautifully different.
Just pause and think
What are some of the issues that we struggle with when we think about our image?

Most of these things happen because we are comparing ourselves to someone. But why are we comparing ourselves? Well I think there are three underlying reasons which have come from Sophie De Witt's book, Compared to her:
  • Significance: making sure you’re worthwhile
  • o    Satisfaction: making sure life is as good as it can be
  • o    Security: making sure we have what we need

I’ve been reading this book and Sophie talks about something called Compulsive Comparison Syndrome or CCS for short, and I honestly believe we all suffer from it, I’ve struggled with it all my life I know that. But for me it all came to a head in my first year of university when I tried to change me and having the “ideal” body and being the most like this unrealistic expectation l I could be became the most important thing in the world. 
I found myself hating the body God had given me and trying to achieve the false ideal. Thankfully I kept going along to church and summer camps and God slapped me in the face with Psalm 139 in my face over and over again.


God made us and knows everything about us. The creator of the whole universe made you and me exactly how we are supposed to be. We are made in the image of God, when we look in the mirror we see the image of God!

How does that make us feel?
How does that change how we view ourselves?

He has made us all differently however we look, it’s how he made us.
He has created a temple in us. 

Thursday, 31 March 2016

Sufferings of Job

At the moment I'm preparing for Word Alive 2016 and I'm working through Job which I've found really exciting. Job loses everything, his money, his family, his health but not once does he complain to the Lord, in fact he delights in the Lord and worships Him both in Happiness and Hardships.

This for me has been really refreshing after a few weeks of struggling and my depression kicking off a little bit, the Lord has really placed this passage before me, and I am so thankful.

Wednesday, 16 March 2016

This week has been a tough week from me, two people I knew at uni passed away within four days of each other and it made me truly realise just how important it is that we spread the good news that we have!
It was also an eye opening time for me to realise that it's okay to lose the front we have that everything is okay, it's human to struggle with these things and actually you need to open up and pray with Christian friends and let them help you.
They can actually have some pretty good advice!

Realisation of the week: Let people help you, don't keep that barrier up, because that is all it is, a barrier.

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

SWAK: Betraying Jesus in our daily life

Sorry for the controversial heading but can you say I'm wrong?

I know I'm guilty of doing the same, not just saying we don't believe but maybe just not standing up for Jesus as we should.
Please stick with me as I work through a few challenging questions to strengthen my faith, and hopefully yours too.

Let's begin with what we know:

We are all sinners.
We can be forgiven if we ask.

Do we use this as an excuse for our sin?
Do now pay later?

Will we follow Jesus to the cross?
Will we be Peter, asking for forgiveness?
Or Judas?

So when we sin, do we feel crippled with guilt until we ask for forgiveness? Or do we just remember as we go to bed that out of habit we should ask for Jesus to forgive everything we've done wrong, the end. 
Remember that Judas betrayed Jesus, he handed Him over to the authorities, but it would seem he showed no remorse. However Peter also denied Jesus three times, but Peter asked for forgiveness, he accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior and went out to spread the Good News! 

We must decide when we sin, will we follow Jesus to the cross like Peter, or will we betray Him like Judas.

I hope that this Easter time like me, you can commit to being a Peter not a Judas and celebrate Jesus death and resurrection and spread the fantastic news that HE IS RISEN!

Saturday, 20 February 2016

So you're a Christian in your twenties...

As a Christian in your twenties you're in a really weird spot, some of your friends are engaged, some are travelling, some are ignoring adulthood completely.

But things are great, you're out of education and into the real world! Unfortunately there is some responsibility you have to undertake, but here's some things I find helpful to remember when you feel like things aren't going right.:

  • Singleness in not a bad thing that deems you unimportant
  • God's plan A is the church, there is no plan B. Get involved!
  • Regular time with God is super important.
  • Don't aim to people please.
  • You don't go on the shelf if you're not married by the time you're 22.
  • You are not of this world.
  • Your future has already begun.
  • Not everyone has it all together yet, no matter how much instagram says they do.
  • Who you are dating makes a difference, they become part of who you are.
  • Adulthood isn't as scary you may think. Enjoy it.
So remember, it's only the beginning, don't stress.

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

The Mission in Sewing

Today I attended a sewing club that my mum goes to. There are only four of them that go, three Christians and a non Christian. It's not intentionally an outreach, however naturally it is one.

This is because we are all missionaries.

Some people would see this as a very bold statement but it's true! Anyone who knows their bible will tell you, we are not of this world. We are only here for a short period of time, here to tell people the amazing news of Jesus Christ! Of his salvation and wonderful, gracious love. 

Now this sewing club I went to today, without forcing any form of bible based conversation we ended up discussing the question; "How can God allow suffering?" a very difficult topic, but the non-christian was the one who brought it up and God had prompted that and placed us there to be His missionaries. 
You don't have to go abroad to tell people about Christ, yes the work of OM and other mission groups is fantastic and if you have the facility then go and do it! But don't be disheartened, mission is also on your doorstep! 

The Lord has placed you exactly where he wants you to be.

So take what he has given you. We all have been given gifts, just remember to use them.

You can even be a missionary just by sewing.