What do we think about when we think of image?
What we should look like?
We’re comparing ourselves to this illusion of the ideal woman aren’t we.
Well the
average woman is 5’4” and weighs 10 stone. The average model is 5’11” and weighs
8 stone.
That is a truly scary and
unhealthy statistic. Only 2% of women are models. And we’re expected to aspire
to that?! That’s ridiculous. It's a false standard.
So here's what I think:
I think we need
to forget what the media says to us and focus on the real women around us for a
start! That is the reality, not some magazine. We can’t aspire to be like 2% of
the population when we have been made to all be beautifully different.
Just pause and think
What are some of the
issues that we struggle with when we think about our image?
Most of these things happen because we are comparing
ourselves to someone. But why are we comparing ourselves? Well I think there
are three underlying reasons which have come from Sophie De Witt's book, Compared to her:
- o Significance: making sure you’re worthwhile
- o Satisfaction: making sure life is as good as it can be
- o Security: making sure we have what we need
I’ve been reading this book and Sophie talks about something called Compulsive Comparison
Syndrome or CCS for short, and I honestly believe we all suffer from it, I’ve
struggled with it all my life I know that. But for me it all came to a head in
my first year of university when I tried to change me and having the “ideal” body
and being the most like this unrealistic expectation l I could be became the
most important thing in the world.
I found myself hating the body God had given
me and trying to achieve the false ideal. Thankfully I kept going along to
church and summer camps and God slapped me in the face with Psalm 139 in my
face over and over again.
God made us and knows everything about us. The creator of
the whole universe made you and me exactly how we are supposed to be. We are
made in the image of God, when we look in the mirror we see the image of God!
How does that make us
How does that change
how we view ourselves?
He has made us all differently however we look, it’s how he
made us.
He has created a temple in us.
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