Tuesday, 1 March 2016

SWAK: Betraying Jesus in our daily life

Sorry for the controversial heading but can you say I'm wrong?

I know I'm guilty of doing the same, not just saying we don't believe but maybe just not standing up for Jesus as we should.
Please stick with me as I work through a few challenging questions to strengthen my faith, and hopefully yours too.

Let's begin with what we know:

We are all sinners.
We can be forgiven if we ask.

Do we use this as an excuse for our sin?
Do now pay later?

Will we follow Jesus to the cross?
Will we be Peter, asking for forgiveness?
Or Judas?

So when we sin, do we feel crippled with guilt until we ask for forgiveness? Or do we just remember as we go to bed that out of habit we should ask for Jesus to forgive everything we've done wrong, the end. 
Remember that Judas betrayed Jesus, he handed Him over to the authorities, but it would seem he showed no remorse. However Peter also denied Jesus three times, but Peter asked for forgiveness, he accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior and went out to spread the Good News! 

We must decide when we sin, will we follow Jesus to the cross like Peter, or will we betray Him like Judas.

I hope that this Easter time like me, you can commit to being a Peter not a Judas and celebrate Jesus death and resurrection and spread the fantastic news that HE IS RISEN!

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